Smart A$$ Plato’s Play-Doh Discussion (Rhetorical Analysis)



To continually skill-n-drill students with multiple-choice tests is futile, especially if the goal is to improve their reading comprehension.

You can give your students a million practice tests … but what good will that do?

In this Smart Ass gamified approach, not only will your students become far better readers of non-fiction, but they’ll in turn transfer these skills to their test taking endeavors.

Ultimately, it comes down to this — good test takers are good test takers because they know how to question a text.

Smart Ass (Rhetorical Analysis Edition) aims to teach this skill set.

In this particular lessonSmart A$$ Game Slides (Rhetorical Analysis Vol. I)

, we gamify three speeches:

1. “To What to the American Slave is Your 4th of July” by Frederick Douglass

2. “There Comes a Time” by MLK Jr

3. “Upon Beating the Streak” by Cal Ripkin Jr


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