Smart A$$ Plato’s Play-Doh Discussion (Poetry Edition)



To continually skill-n-drill students with multiple-choice tests is futile, especially if the goal is to improve their reading comprehension.

You can give your students a million practice tests … but what good will that do?

In this Smart Ass gamified approach, not only will your students become far better readers of poetry, but they’ll in turn transfer these skills to their test taking endeavors.

Ultimately, it comes down to this — good test takers are good test takers because they know how to question a text.

Smart Ass (Poetry Edition) aims to teach this skill set.

In this particular video, we gamify three poems:

1. Sentimental Moment or Why Did the Baguette Cross the Road by Robert Hershon

2. Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits by Martin Espada

3. Still I Rise by Maya Angelou


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