Using Classic TV Commercials (Declarative Thesis Heuristic) Winston/Flintstone


Spring is in the air, so that can only mean one thing: exam season is upon us (AP & Regents).

Here’s what I’m observing a few weeks away from game day:

1. Many of my students are struggling mightily with ascertaining the complex meaning of texts

2. Pacing is a major issue (Snails Pace Syndrome)

3. Kids who have put their arms around my heuristics are faring much better than those who are winging “it” by their own devices

This is where today’s Bell Ringer comes into play.

To practice the art of Hammerin’ Home the Thesis, I often use Old Skool Commercials … and I have a doozy for today’s writing workshop … that moment in history that saw Winston’s Cigarettes team up with the Flintstone’s.

In the video, you’ll see me “Bob Ross” how to write the introductory paragraph three times all while pulling the strings of my declarative thesis heuristic.

Not only do your students get an opportunity to hone their reads, but they can sharpen their compositional prowess as well … while also working on their pacing.

Winner … Winner … Chicken Dinner!!

The slides featured in the video are available for download.

Any questions, drop me a line at


Spring is in the air, so that can only mean one thing: exam season is upon us (AP & Regents).

Here’s what I’m observing a few weeks away from game day:

1. Many of my students are struggling mightily with ascertaining the complex meaning of texts

2. Pacing is a major issue (Snails Pace Syndrome)

3. Kids who have put their arms around my heuristics are faring much better than those who are winging “it” by their own devices

This is where today’s Bell Ringer comes into play.

To practice the art of Hammerin’ Home the Thesis, I often use Old Skool Commercials … and I have a doozy for today’s writing workshop … that moment in history that saw Winston’s Cigarettes team up with the Flintstone’s.

In the video, you’ll see me “Bob Ross” how to write the introductory paragraph three times all while pulling the strings of my declarative thesis heuristic.

Not only do your students get an opportunity to hone their reads, but they can sharpen their compositional prowess as well … while also working on their pacing.

Winner … Winner … Chicken Dinner!!

The slides featured in the video are available for download.

Any questions, drop me a line at


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