The Role of A.I in Education: Synthesis Paper




This writing workshop was cobbled together by my teachers in my National Writing Project course: Teach It “Write” 5-Week Mastermind.

We “Bob Ross” how to construct the entire essay for you and your students while pulling the strings of my templates.

Here’s the prompt:

֍ The advent of Artificial Intelligence programs, such as ChatGPT have sparked change in how people conceive creativity. While some commentators posit serious apprehensions as to the ways AI obscures the lines between what can be created by people versus what can be created by machines, others see new possibilities for human creativity in the changing landscape of Artificial Intelligence.

֍ Read the following sources and accompanying material carefully. Write a letter to your school board in which you express the role you think A.I. should have in the field of education. Synthesize material from at least three sources to advance your argument.


Your purchase includes the PowerPoint slides featured in the YouTube writing workshop plus the source material packet.




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