Rhetorically Analyzing Superbowl Commercials


The week leading up to the Superbowl tends to waylay some kids, so I’ve decided to embrace this inevitability in today’s writing workshop video instead of raging against the machine.

In brief, I have gamified constructing introductory paragraphs while incorporating the top-five viewed Super Bowl commercials of all time:

Wendy’s: “Where’s the Beef”
Apple: 1984
Amazon: Alexa Loses Her Voice
Always: #Like a Girl
Snickers: Betty White

What I’ve done is write exemplars and models for all five commercials all while pulling the strings of my declarative thesis heuristic.

Students are split into five teams (Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Black)

For each commercial, all students crank an introductory paragraph.

They gather their heads and submit the best one (individual students are only allowed to submit once).

As a class, we determine who has the best draft out of the five teams and award points accordingly.

I show students my exemplars after we deconstruct the class set of five.

Lots of fun and super edifying. Great practice to hammer home the thesis and hone our reading skills!

Drop me an email with questions: teachingwritingcoach@gmail.com

Happy teaching and happy writing!


The week leading up to the Superbowl tends to waylay some kids, so I’ve decided to embrace this inevitability in today’s writing workshop video instead of raging against the machine.

In brief, I have gamified constructing introductory paragraphs while incorporating the top-five viewed Super Bowl commercials of all time:

Wendy’s: “Where’s the Beef”
Apple: 1984
Amazon: Alexa Loses Her Voice
Always: #Like a Girl
Snickers: Betty White

What I’ve done is write exemplars and models for all five commercials all while pulling the strings of my declarative thesis heuristic.

Students are split into five teams (Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Black)

For each commercial, all students crank an introductory paragraph.

They gather their heads and submit the best one (individual students are only allowed to submit once).

As a class, we determine who has the best draft out of the five teams and award points accordingly.

I show students my exemplars after we deconstruct the class set of five.

Lots of fun and super edifying. Great practice to hammer home the thesis and hone our reading skills!

Drop me an email with questions: teachingwritingcoach@gmail.com

Happy teaching and happy writing!


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