FRQ 3 (AP Lang. Practice) Socrates “Daimonin”


In our line of work, it’s not uncommon to cringe just a tad bit while grading essays. Our kids are apt to make some colorful happy little accidents, invariably – that’s the nature of learning.

But let’s talk about how to write about self on FRQ 3.

For years, I always told students to draw their textual support from history, literature, pop culture and the such.

Yet, in saying this, sometimes the CB hurls a funky prompt at our students that forces them to write about self.

And this is when I find myself cringing a lot.

Not sure about your kids, but my students sound so young when they use their own personal experiences for textual support. In fact, their writing skills often regress and backtrack toward their middle school abilities.

So, how do we teach kids to write about self effectively in their argumentative essays?

In today’s writing workshop video, I model how to do this with a prompt I created around Socrates’ concept of “Daimonion.”

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In our line of work, it’s not uncommon to cringe just a tad bit while grading essays. Our kids are apt to make some colorful happy little accidents, invariably – that’s the nature of learning.

But let’s talk about how to write about self on FRQ 3.

For years, I always told students to draw their textual support from history, literature, pop culture and the such.

Yet, in saying this, sometimes the CB hurls a funky prompt at our students that forces them to write about self.

And this is when I find myself cringing a lot.

Not sure about your kids, but my students sound so young when they use their own personal experiences for textual support. In fact, their writing skills often regress and backtrack toward their middle school abilities.

So, how do we teach kids to write about self effectively in their argumentative essays?

In today’s writing workshop video, I model how to do this with a prompt I created around Socrates’ concept of “Daimonion.”


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