Change My Mind: The Government Should Have Banned Vaping Already (Synthesis Essay)


Borrowing a page from the playbook of Steven Blake Crowder, I pull up to the party and provocatively proclaim: The government should have banned vaping already!

In this writing workshop video, I demonstrate for students how to house an argument in their essay from start-to-finish all while wielding my heuristics of the declarative/inverted thesis (for introductory paragraphs) as well as the syllogistic method heuristic (for body paragraphs) … I even illustrate how to tag a conclusion paragraph on the tail end of the composition.

This is a synthesis paper, but in saying that, given that most kids have strong opinions on this topic – I have students locate their own sources.

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Borrowing a page from the playbook of Steven Blake Crowder, I pull up to the party and provocatively proclaim: The government should have banned vaping already!

In this writing workshop video, I demonstrate for students how to house an argument in their essay from start-to-finish all while wielding my heuristics of the declarative/inverted thesis (for introductory paragraphs) as well as the syllogistic method heuristic (for body paragraphs) … I even illustrate how to tag a conclusion paragraph on the tail end of the composition.

This is a synthesis paper, but in saying that, given that most kids have strong opinions on this topic – I have students locate their own sources.

Any question, please reach out at:


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