David Sedaris “On Irritating Word Choices” (An Exercise in Voice & Diction)




On January 22, 2023, David Sedaris appeared on CBS Sunday Morning to deliver a monologue entitled “On Irritating Word Choices.”

In this lesson, students follow Sedaris’ lead and construct their own monologues about words/expressions that irritate them.

The entire lesson from start to finish is detailed in the video.

I also “Bob Ross” an example of the assignment that I wrote for demonstration and clarity purposes.

This is a great exercise to help students cultivate the necessary voice needed to earn the ever so elusive sophistication point.

In the exercise, students are encouraged to experiment with my Teeter-Totter concept in which they try to balance their use of Tier II Level Vocabulary/Colloquial/Vernacular while pulling the strings of the 12 different sentence constructs delineated in Strunk & White’s “Write It Right.”

It’s a great way to practice the cultivation of voice, rhythm, flow outside of an actual assigned essay or timed-writing.


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